Zoos & Aquariums

Fundraising for Aquariums

Accreditation by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) signifies that a zoo or aquarium meets the highest standards of animal care.   Some Zoos take part in Survival Plan (SSP) programs for their animals. These SSP programs include breeding and conservation efforts with a goal of improving species survival rates.   Zoos and other organizations collaborate on conservation initiatives now more than ever before in response to an alarming rate of species facing extinction.

But maintaining high standards requires funding, and competing program and facility needs do not go away.  Add in “care and feeding” overhead with specialized veterinary services, and you get a bottom line far more challenging than your casual guests imagine.   When visitors arrive, they may only see your front-end exhibits. They cannot see the time or expense required to support them.

Subject matter experts, exotic supplies and animal care all come with a hefty price tag.  A busy gift shop can help, but funding your ongoing work requires more than T-shirts and coffee mugs.  You may have a small group of dedicated supporters, and we suspect you could use more.

Do you forecast more expenses with flat or reduced donations?  We can help. Contact us today.

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