Fundraising Counsel


Q: Why do we need Fundraising Counsel when we have professionals in house?

A: Most nonprofits have small or multi-tasked staffs. If you have one or two dedicated people trying to handle fundraising AND event planning … or fundraising AND publicity … they quickly will become overwhelmed by a major campaign.

Even if you are blessed with a team of top development professionals on staff, they typically do not possess extra time and capacity for hundreds of additional tasks that will be required.  That said, we love partnering with dedicated staff (and volunteers). They bring intimate knowledge of your donor pool and unique history. We, in turn, save you months (or years!) of planning by working in tandem with your key in house staff. We will fill in gaps, produce a moving-forward plan, and make your campaign succeed.

Finally, if you are looking to raise several times your annual budget, you need us. We have the tools and resources to do it right. We will bring them all to your table.

Your Team + Carlton Team = SUCCESS

Make the phone call to us and we will provide the expert counsel you need to maximize your fundraising campaign. We will provide great support and in turn we only ask for your best possible effort. With this as our starting point, we can achieve great things for organizations, including:

  • A stronger annual giving program
  • Increased donor retention
  • More major gifts
  • A successful capital campaign
  • Foundation grants
  • Board engagement in fundraising
  • Free Internet Marketing for Nonprofit institutions

Whether you’re just getting started with fundraising or your effort is a mature program in need of fine-tuning, Carlton & Company can tailor a consulting or coaching plan that’s right for your organization.

From a one-day workshop to a multi-year Consulting and Coaching relationship, CARLTON & COMPANY provides counsel as you need it, in the form you want it, and on your time line.




Fundraising Counsel
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